Site Address: Shuchidham Club, Shuchidham Complex Nr. Dindoshi Bus Depot, Flim City Road, Goregoan (East), Mumbai - 400063
Site Address: Shuchidham Club, Shuchidham Complex Nr. Dindoshi Bus Depot, Flim City Road, Goregoan (East), Mumbai - 400063
The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 has been introduced and the rules and regulations notified thereunder ("RERA") on 1st May 2017. The process of updating our website is being initiated to ensure full compliance with the law.
The advertisements available on the website were created prior to RERA came into force and thus contains/may contain promotional material related to future phases of the project. The offerings outlined in those advertisements in whatever form may not be a part of the initial phase of the project and may be delivered in later phases or on completion of the Project.
The present content on the website(s), specifications and amenities including but not limited to visuals, pictures, images/ renderings/maps are purely indicative and informative in nature and only an architect's impression and only indicative of the envisaged development and not actual depiction of buildings/landscapes etc. And shall not be considered as our offer/promise/commitment of any nature in respect of the project the same is subject to approval from local authorities.
The common areas and amenities that have been shown in any advertisement, audio visuals and/or any type of communication in any form whatsoever is/are for the entire Project and not specific for any particular building or phase of the Project and that the common areas and amenities will not be available on completion of the first phase of the Project or later phases. The common areas and amenities shall be available for the entire project and will be developed in a phase-wise manner, over a period of time.
The details of the projects undertaken by the company including the brochures, plans, elevations, images, projections, details, descriptions, contents pertaining to the projects are being modified in terms of the stipulations/ recommendations under the Real Estate Act 2016 and rules made thereunder (RERA). You are required to verify all the details, including area, amenities, services, terms of sales, payments and other relevant terms independently with the company sales team, by physically visiting the project site. Any decision regarding booking of the apartment/s in the project by you, until the project is registered under RERA, relying upon the contents of this website shall be solely at your costs and consequences. Ashish Estates & Properties Pvt. Ltd. and or its directors, employees, are not liable for any consequence of any action taken by the viewer relying on such material/information on this web.
"Thank you for visiting Ashish Estates & Properties Pvt. Ltd.
Specifications and amenities mentioned in this website are only representational and informative. Information, images and visuals, drawings plans or sketches shown in this websites are only an architects impression and are only indicative of the envisaged developments and the same are subject to approvals from local authorities. The Developer/Promoter reserves rights to make additions, deletions, alterations or amendments as and when it deem fit and proper, without any prior notice. No representation or warranty is made or intended as to the accuracy or completeness of information and no commitments are being given under this website as to it’s suitability or adequacy for any purpose or otherwise howsoever.
All dimensions mentioned in the drawings may vary/differ due to construction contingencies and site conditions. Actual product/ development and any other aspect may differ from what is portrayed herein. All layouts, plans, specifications, dimensions, designs, measurements and locations are indicative and not to scale and are subject to change as may be decided by the company or competent authority. Revision, alteration, modification, addition, deletion, substitution or recast, if any, may be necessary during construction.
Interior designing used in the flat/unit plan and images are only for representation purpose. The picture of the proposed Residential Flat/Unit and all furnitures, fixtures, items, electronic goods, amenities, landscaping, accessories etc. specified therein are only for the purpose of show casing the Residential Flat/Unit and the Developer is not liable / required to provide any furniture, items, electronic goods amenities, accessories etc. as displayed in the pictures. The Recreational Facilities and amenities will form a part of Developer/Promoter’s retained area and will not form a part of common amenities and facilities.
The views shown in the picture may vary over period of time and does not guarantee the same. All intending purchaser/s are bound to inspect all plans and approvals and visit project site and apprise themselves of all plans and approvals and other relevant information and nothing in this website is intended to substitute to the intending purchaser the actual plans and approvals obtained from time to time. The relationship between the Developer and the actual customers will be governed strictly by the agreements to be executed from time to time and not on the terms of this website. All details and prices quoted are indicative and have been calculated on basic rate.
This website is merely conceptual and is not a legal document. It cannot be treated as a part of the final purchase agreement/s that may be executed from time to time. The Developer reserves right to change, amend, modify the contents of the brochure and architectural specifications during development stages. The Developer/Management holds no responsibility for its accuracy and shall not be liable to any intending purchaser or any one for the changes/ alterations/ improvements so made.